Month of Bulgarian culture in the city of Daegu, Republic of Korea, May 26 - June 30, 2023


In cooperation with Susong Municipality in the fourth largest Korean city of Daegu, the Embassy of Bulgaria in the Republic of Korea organized a month of Bulgarian culture in the Beomeo Library. The program of the initiative includes the presentation of the poster exhibition "The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe" - a project of the International Triennial of the Stage Poster-Sofia. The international poster campaign "Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe" brings together the efforts of 30 artists from 20 countries to create a collection of posters dedicated to Bulgaria and its culture through the theme of the uniqueness and universality of the Bulgarian alphabet - one of the three scripts of Europe. The exhibition is open from May 26 to June 27.

From May 30 to June 30, 2023, with the assistance of the State Institute for Cultura at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and within the framework of the project, the cinema hall in the Beomeo Library is screening the contemporary Bulgarian feature film "Letters from Antarctica" (2019). Director of the film is Stanislav Donchev, the cast includes Irmena Chichikova, Simeon Angelov, Diana Dimitrova, Maya Baburska, Ivan Stamenov.

On May 19, a ceremony was held to mark the event, which was attended by local government representatives Kim Dae-Kwon, Mayor of Susong Municipality, and John Jung-tae, Chairman of the Municipal Council, as well as representatives of academia, culture and business. The guests had the opportunity to taste selected Bulgarian wines. The event is supported by local company TC Taechang. Musicians from Daegu performed the Bulgarian song "March ahead, o revived people" and songs from Korean folklore.

Beomeo is the newest and most modern library in the city, which is visited by 1500 to 2000 people a day. The embassy donated a catalogue of the exhibition and a copy in Bulgarian of the book "Time Shelter" by Georgi Gospodinov to the library fund.