The "Memory and Posters" Collection Begins its Official Journey from Burgas


In the program of the International Youth Literary Festival "Friendship - Meaning and Salvation" on June 20, 2023 at 5 p.m. on the quay wall of the port in Burgas, a collection of posters created by prominent authors of poster art will be presented. The exhibition is entitled "Memory and Posters" and is inspired by the message of humanism and opposition to anti-Semitism, which the story of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews carries 80 years ago. The posters of Anna Simeonova, Ivan Kashlakov, Kiril Zlatkov, Lyuba Tomova, Margarita Doncheva, Maya Staykova, Mila Lozanova, Nenko Atanasov, Petar Chuchuligov, Radoslava Boor and Strahil Dimitrov are presented and with the participation of the Hungarian master of the socially engaged poster Peter Poch. The result is a collection - an expression of the civil and creative reaction against anti-Semitism and violence, against any form of disrespect for human dignity and the right to life.

The poster collection project was implemented by the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria together with the International Stage Poster Triennial within the framework of the project "Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria's international commitments to combat anti-Semitism and the protection of the Jewish heritage'.

Keywords exhibition