The exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" was Opened to Visitors in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province



On June 9, 2023, the exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO", part of the mobile expositions of the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opened its doors to visitors in the Qinghuai district of the city of Nanjing - the capital of Jiangsu province. The exhibition is presented as part of Nanjing Cultural and Natural Resources Day 2023, which is being celebrated for the 19th time. This year's edition includes exhibitions from Indonesia, South Korea, Chile and other countries.

The events of Nanjing Cultural and Natural Wealth Day 2023 were opened with a ceremony in the historical cultural zone "Eastern China Gate" - one of the most popular places for recreation in the Qinghuai area - on holidays, visitors reach up to 600,000 people. The ceremony was attended by Consul General Vladislav Spasov, Deputy Mayor of Nanjing Mr. Sun Baijun, Mayor of Tsinghuai District Mr. Li Qianxing, Chinese officials and foreign diplomats.

The exhibition will be available to visitors to the East China Gate Historical Cultural Zone within a week, after which it will be moved to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum of Qinghuai District, Nanjing City for one month.

Its presentation was realized in cooperation between the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Consulate General in Shanghai and the Government of Qinghuai District, Nanjing.