
On June 8th from 16.00 hrs in the Ceremonial hall of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” PROF. FABRIZIO MASTROFINI delivered a public lecture titled: “THE CHURCH AND THE EUROPEAN CULTURE”. Prof. Mastrofini’s visit in the country is in connection with the celebrations of 20 years of establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Vatican and 30 years since the proclamation of St. St. Cyril and Methodius as co-patrons of Europe. Prof. Fabrizio Mastrofini is editor-in-chief in Radio Vatican, associate professor in communications with the Institute «Claretiamum», essayist. Communications, multimedia devices and languages belong to the sphere of his experts’ and scientific activity, together with the activity and development of the Catholic Church in Italy and throughout the World. He is preparing and realizing the TV broadcastings, devoted to the activity of the Pope which are also provided to the online space in the official internet site of Radio Vatican and broadcasted on Catholic televisions. He is participating in the numerous apostles’ trips around the World of Pope Ioannes Pauluis PP II and Pope Bendictus XVІ. Furthermore, the professor is author of a number of books, devoted to the activity of the Church: «Geopolicy of the Catholic Church», «Rattsinger and unbelievers», «Communication – social activity», «Info-ethics», etc.