The Phototype Documentary Exhibition about Miraculous Icons of The Balkans Opened At Charles University In Prague


On May 24, on the occasion of the celebration of the national holiday of Bulgaria - the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, the Bulgarian alphabet, enlightenment and culture and the Slavic literature, the official opening of the mobile phototype exhibition was held in the Faculty of Prague at the Faculty of Prague - Prague, the official opening of the mobile phototype exhibition " Miraculous icons and holy relics in the Balkans. "

The event brought together many guests - diplomats, teachers and students, professors, Bulgarians who live in Prague and came together to celebrate the Day of Bulgarian Culture and Word.

In his greeting of the opening, the director of the State Cultural Institute Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova presented the concept of the exhibition and her path in different cities around the world, her meeting with various audiences and their interest in the story of the miraculousness of icons and holy relics in various Bulgarian and Balkan monasteries and churches. "Keeping this cultural, spiritual wealth is our responsibility." She expressed gratitude to the hosts of the Faculty of Philosophy, to which he donated bilingual catalogs for the exhibition, realized by the authors of the project by the Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duichev "at Sofia University" St. Kliment Ohridski. "

An important role in the successful realization of this event is played by the team of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute - Prague and the institutional assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Czech Republic. In the official speech, HE. Dancho Michev, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Bulgaria to the Czech Republic emphasized that it is with such partnerships that we can achieve good results, because here at the University of Karlovy, where dozens of Bulgarian scientists and intellectuals have received education, knowledge today. Similar events - exhibitions that meet us on this important national holiday for Bulgaria - May 24. He congratulated our compatriots on May 24 and thanked the hosts of the University for partnership.

The Director of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague Volodya Gotsev also joined the final words, who tied the holiday and the opening of the exhibition with a wonderful news - the won World Literature Award by the Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov with a translator Angela Rodel for the novel "Time of Subjigence" S “… On the eve of today's holiday, the Bulgarian people and all people in the world read and write in Cyrillic received a kind of gift. In London, with extremely high competition, a jury with representatives from four continents awarded the biggest Booker Literature Award for 2023 by Georgi Gospodinov for the novel "Time Avoid". In the first appearances to the media, the author shared: Thanks to these 30 lowercase letters, I was able to tell the story so that Bulgarian literature would climb to a world peak. "

The exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Mosecutors in the Balkans" is a mobile phototype exhibition from the Program of the State Cultural Institute of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, implemented jointly with the Slavic-Byzantine Studies Center "Prof. Ivan Duichev "at Sofia University" St. Kliment Ohridski. " 24 panels show churches and monasteries, which store miraculous icons and holy relics as precious relics, photos from the archive of the Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duichev" are used and photos provided with the assistance of the Rila Igmeni , Bachkovo, Troyan and Bigor Monasteries. Each panel briefly describes the history of the monastery, the legendary biography of every miraculous icon and the customs associated with the temple holidays and the holidays of the saints whose relics are stored in them. Before our eyes, a kind of narrative unfolds, which has thrown a bridge over the centuries and presents the challenge of living faith in miraculous images, in their power, not subject to time, ideologies, theories, philosophies.

The exhibition, which at the University of Karlova of fl. 1 at the Faculty of Philisophy will be until June 30, has been successfully presented so far in Venice, Rome, Belgrade, Skopje, Tirana, Elbasan, Pretoria, Minsk, Toronto, at the Papal Gregorian University, Library "Library" Ambrosiana ”in Milan, in Bulgaria - Sofia, Plovdiv, Kyustendil, Asenovgrad, Museum of Tourism to UniBIT and others.

The media partner of the project is a Bulgarian telegraph agency.