The State Institute for Culture Took Part in the European Village Festival in Hanoi


Europe Day was celebrated in Hanoi with a three-day cultural festival "European Village", jointly organized by the embassies of the EU Member States in Hanoi and the EU Delegation. The event was held on May 12-14 in the central square of Hanoi with the idea of connecting and bringing European culture closer to the people of Vietnam. Aimed at promoting the Union and its national and cultural diversity, the festival managed to attract over 50,000 visitors.

Bulgaria was presented with a stand where embassy employees engaged the visitors with information about Bulgaria - about our culture, traditions, study opportunities in Bulgaria, tourism, etc. A variety of informational and promotional materials were provided.

The presentation of Bulgaria was organized thematically around three characteristics that distinguish us and are curious for the Vietnamese audience: the Cyrillic alphabet, "Bulgaria - the land of roses" and the Bulgarian traditions of embroidery, carriers of traditional spirit and meaningful charge.

The success of the Bulgarian presentation was helped by the presentation of the exhibition of the Bulgarian artist and designer Ani Yoveva, provided with the assistance of the State Institute for Culture, presenting in ten panels authentic needlewomen from different parts of Bulgaria with the messages woven by the Bulgarian woman to nature and the elements of life.

To entertain the children, games were organized with prizes for "Write your name in Bulgarian" and creative drawing of Bulgarian folk costumes.

With the idea of involving the Vietnamese audience and emphasizing the traditional historical ties between Bulgaria and Vietnam in the cultural program on stage, the "Vietnam-Bulgaria" kindergarten was invited to participate. With great enthusiasm, the children from the "Yan Bibian" preschool group, created in 2014, performed two dances to the accompaniment of the children's folk songs "Boryano, Boryanke" and "Polegnalo e Lalentse".

The festival helped promote Bulgaria in the context of our European affiliation.

Keywords festival