
The State Cultural Institute and the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria presented “PETER UVALIEV OR PIERRE ROUVE. A LIFE” BY SONYA RUV
On 1 June 2010 (Tuesday), 5:00 p. m. in the gallery “The Mission” of the State Cultural Institute was made a presentation of the biographic book by Sonya Ruv about the life of one of the most appreciable intellectuals of our time – Peter Uvaliev. Special guest at the presentation was the author of the book – Mrs. Sonya Ruv who is a Professor in Foreign languages at “Kings College”, London. She is a famous English intellectual and well-deserved wife of Mr. Peter Uvaliev who is telling his story in her memoirs in a fascinating manner.
Mrs. Ludmila Dimitrova, the director of the Cultural Institute, welcomed the guests and thanked personally Mrs. Ruv for her book “PETER UVALIEV OR PIERRE ROUVE. A LIFE” and that she made us look in a different way at our own history as well as the cultural territory of Peter Uvaliev, Europe and the whole world respectively.  
As a natural stage of the Bulgarian culture the “Mission” Gallery was visited by many people, representatives of diplomatic circles, friends and fans of Peter Uvaliev. 
Peter Uvaliev/Pierre Rouve is a legend and a cultural myth of Bulgaria of wide European dimension. There is no other Bulgarian writer who has achieved his success as a screenwriter, producer, critic, and theoretical writer on arts. The cultural territory of Peter Uvaliev is Europe and the world as a whole. His best friends are famous people from the cinema and theatre – Italian, English, American, French, Russian, and Bulgarian: from Michelangelo Antonioni and Charlie Chaplin to Carlo Ponti and Sophia Loren, from James Mason and John Gielgud to Rangel Valchanov, Valentin Ezhov, Grigori Chuhrai, Alexander Zarhi. He maintained a close relationship with the writers John Mortimer, Penelope Martimer, with the woman who ha seduced writers like Maxim Gorki and Herbert G. Wells – the blonde Mata Hari – Moura Budberg.   
Peter Uvaliev’s biography is an encyclopedia of the Bulgarian cultural and political elite – from the years of communism to the Bulgarian democracy. Sonya Ruv shared many details from the life of her remarkable husband as well as the deeds of the people with whom he communicated almost in a childish good-hearted manner, helped them, and provided shelter for them