Participation of a Banner from the Exhibition "The Messages of the Cyrillic Alphabet" in the Welcoming of our Polar Ship in Argentina


Our polar ship "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" was welcomed on February 3 in the military port of Mar Del Plata, Argentina. The ship "St. Cyril and Methodius" is part of the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition, which realized the first voyage of a Bulgarian research vessel to Antarctica in the history of our country.

During the official press conference organized on February 4 in connection with the passage of the Bulgarian research vessel through Argentina, which was attended by Ambassador Mihailov, Mr. Guillermo Montenegro - Mayor of Mar del Plata and Rear Admiral Mednikarov, an important highlight of the event was a banner with the face of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius from the traveling exhibition "The Messages of Cyrillic Alphabet" of the State Institute for Culture.

The exhibition "The Messages of Cyrillic Alphabet" with author Prof. Aksinia Dzurova and a book edition printed to it in five languages offers an in-depth look at the supreme contribution of the Cyrillic script to the diverse and multi-layered cultural heritage of the Old Continent. For Europe's cultural identity, which has always been above politics and economics, Bulgaria's entry into the European Union with its Cyrillic alphabet is an act comparable to the fateful events that took place more than 1,000 years ago on the continent. The appearance and confirmation in the 9th century within the framework of the young Bulgarian kingdom of the new Slavic alphabet - the Cyrillic alphabet and the creation of a national literature in the Slavic, respectively, Old Bulgarian language, carries significant messages, based on the fateful idea of equality with other nations.