“The Roofs of Sofia” and “Traditions” photo exhibitions take part in foreign minister Nickolay Mladenov’s first Balkan tour

In the framework of Minister Nickolay Mladenov’s first Balkan tour beginning on 5 May, the State Institute for Culture jointly with the Bulgarian Embassy in Skopje organised two photo exhibitions, which are part of the Travelling Exhibitions Project.

The “Roofs of Sofia” exhibition by photographer Bistra Boshnakova was presented in the City Library in Skopje. In his address to the audience, Minister Mladenov used the exhibition’s symbols and message to transmit Bulgaria’s desire to contribute actively to establish the foundations of a stable home in the Balkans, and to participate vigorously in the expansion of the European Union, jointly with the other states in the region.

The “Traditions” exhibition by photographer Alexander Mihailov is an eloquent photo narrative about the most interesting Bulgarian traditions that continue existing. In his address to the young audience from the South-East University of Tetovo on the opening of the exhibition, Minister Mladenov said he was proud of the fact that Bulgaria had succeeded in preserving its customs and traditions, since they were part of the multi-ethnic treasure of the Balkans.

Both exhibitions were accepted with interest and were highly appreciated by the guests who had come to their opening.