160 years since the birth of Prof. Ivan Shishmanov


On June 22 in the Central Lobby of the National Library "St. Cyril and Methodius ”opened a phototype exhibition dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of one of the spiritual leaders in Bulgarian cultural history Prof. Ivan Shishmanov, which can be viewed until July 7.
The exhibition recalls the great merits of Prof. Ivan Shishmanov, not only in the field of Bulgarian literary science, but also his contribution to the establishment of some of the most important cultural institutes in our country - the Music School, the Academy of Arts, the Ethnographic Museum, the Bulgarian Archaeological Society and Sofia university, many community centers and libraries.
The opening was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Education Prof. Genka Petrova-Tashkova. The event was opened with a speech by Dr. Nikolai Doinov - Chairman of the Union of People's Chitalishte: "Today is an occasion to unite as a nation, because Prof. Shishmanov carries the idea of ​​unity since his youth. He became the founder of PANEUROPE.

The project is implemented by Prof. Rumyana Koneva and the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.