The Bulgarian Embassy in Nicosia participates in cultural initiatives in Cyprus within the French Presidency of the Council of the EU


The Embassy of Bulgaria in Nicosia, in cooperation with the Embassy of France in Cyprus and other embassies of the EU Member States, took an active part in the preparation, planning, organization and implementation of two cultural initiatives in Cyprus under the French Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The first event was a traveling outdoor photo exhibition featuring cultural and historical heritage sites. Bulgaria was represented at the exhibition with a photograph of the Madara Rider, which aroused great interest among a diverse audience. For a month, the exhibition was presented in major Cypriot cities such as Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, and others. Its final presentation was in Nicosia in the recently opened renovated Eleftheria Square, in the period June 1 – June 10, 2022.
The second initiative was the European Film Festival (EFF), organized by the French embassy.  On June 7 in the amphitheatre on Eleftheria Square the Bulgarian documentary “The Path of Light” was presented. The screening was also dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture - May 24. The event was attended by a large audience, both from representatives of the Bulgarian diaspora on the island and from Cypriots who graduated in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian participation in both cultural events was organized by the Bulgarian Embassy in Nicosia with the assistance of the State Institute for Culture.