The EU’s anthem "Ode to Joy", performed by the children's radio choir of the Bulgarian National Radio


     On the occasion of Europe Day, at the initiative of the State Institute for Culture and the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR), a video congratulation with the anthem of Europe "Ode to Joy" performed by the children's radio choir of the BNR is presented.

     The history of the European anthem dates back to the 18th century and is associated with the names of Friedrich Schiller and Ludwig van Beethoven. The European Anthem is a fragment of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, composed in 1823. The German poet, historian and playwright Friedrich Schiller wrote the poem The Ode to Joy (German: An die Freude) in 1785. It expresses his idealistic view of humanity; his dream is for people to unite in brotherhood. This poem became the text of Beethoven's Ninth and Last Symphony and the only symphony with lyrics so far, because it was originally an instrumental genre.
In 1985, the Ode to Joy became the EU's anthem, reminding us of the ideals of the European society that unite us: freedom, peace, solidarity, and unity.