Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with Estonia with the Exhibition "Bulgarian Cities - Antiquity that Lives"



On April 6, Deputy Foreign Minister Vasil Georgiev opened an exhibition in the newly renovated building of the EC Representation in Tallinn, entitled "Bulgarian Cities - Antiquity That Lives". The event was attended by ambassadors and representatives of EU member states, MPs from the Friendship Group Estonia - Bulgaria in the Riigikog of Estonia, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Honorary Consul of Bulgaria, Mr. Indrek Laul and representatives of the Bulgarian community .

Welcoming speeches were made by: Deputy Minister Georgiev, the Estonian State Secretary for European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Mr. Mart Volmer, Ambassador Selver Khalil and the Honorary Consul I. Laul. Deputies from the Estonia-Bulgaria Friendship Group have expressed a desire to resume co-operation with representatives of a similar friendship group in the Bulgarian Parliament now that COVID measures have been eased in both countries.

The materials for the exhibition were provided by the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A video dedicated to the exhibition, developed by the State Institute for Culture, was also screened during the event. The Bulgarian side provided Bulgarian wine, and the EC Representation in Tallinn - catering.