Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the Implementation of the First EUNIC Cluster Project in Pakistan



The Ambassador of Bulgaria in Islamabad Irena Gancheva participated in the MoU signing ceremony for the first ever project of the EUNIC Cluster in Pakistan  - „Heritage Live - Music of Pakistan“. The event, which was held at the Residence of the Austrian Ambassador in Islamabad on 10 February 2022, was attended by Heads of Mission and diplomats from EUMS embassies and the EU Delegation, as well as by representatives of Pakistani partner institutions.

The first ever project of EUNIC Cluster - Pakistan aims to promote Pakistan’s rich musical heritage and bring together indigenous Pakistani musicians and EUMS artists. It consists of a one-week music residency in Islamabad and Lahore in the period 22 - 31 May 2022. EUMS participants include Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, France and the Czech Republic. The Bulgarian participation is organized jointly be the State Institute for Culture to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Bulgaria in Islamabad.