An evening of Bulgarian literature in Tehran Marked the 125th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Iran



On January 27, 2022, the Embassy in Tehran initiated the Evening of Bulgarian Literature in Tehran as the beginning of a series of events on the mission's calendar to mark the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Iran.

The evening of Bulgarian literature was organized by Mr. Farid Gadami, translator of contemporary Bulgarian literature in Iran and a great friend of Bulgaria, who took part in a residency program for translators of the Next Page Foundation in 2019, with the support of the State Institute for Culture. The event was held at the Farhangan Cultural Center.

The Bulgarian Ambassador to Iran, Mrs. Nikolina Kuneva, welcomed the gathered representatives of the cultural and creative circles on the spot in the cultural center, as well as the nearly 300 viewers of the so-called Instagram live. She stressed the importance of the anniversary of the official establishment of bilateral relations, made the transition to contemporary and modern Bulgarian literature, emphasized the work of Mr. Gadami and the importance of his translations for learning about our literature in Iran.

The next event on the anniversary calendar will be the participation of the troupe of Bulgarian actors with the production of "Shahname" by director Elena Panayotova in the International Theater Festival "Fajr" in the period 5-8 February 2022.