Bulgarian Artists at the Beijing Art Biennale 2022


The opening ceremony of the Beijing Art Biennale 2022 took place on January 21, 2022. The organizers of this most prestigious festival of culture and art are: Beijing Municipality, China Federation of Culture and Arts, Association of Artists in China and the National Art Gallery. For the first time in its twenty-year history, the Biennale is held after 3, not 2 years. Also, for the first time this year, due to the epidemic situation, the creators of the works of art were not present at the opening. Only a small group of leaders of Chinese art organizations and representatives of the diplomatic community were invited.

Thanks to the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing, the prestigious exhibition included three Bulgarian artists who presented their pieces created during their work in different parts of China.

The Bulgarian artist, sculptor, and teacher of textile arts, prominent professor at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, at the Faculty of Textile Arts Asadur Markarov presented the art installation "Perceived Arrival in a New Environment - First Landscape". The installation includes two paintings placed at an angle of two walls. The two paintings are connected by an interesting network of textile fibers that intertwine and connect different points of the paintings on both walls.

The silk painting "My Number" by the artist Maria Ganeva is inspired by the idea that the existence of every person is tied to numbers in the modern world and that man can not escape this connection. The artist presents her "number" as a sum of important dates for her. The idea seeks existence through the things that are important to us, such as memories and emotions, as an alternative to existence only under an identification number.

The artist Gergana Rakhneva presented her work "The Clothes of the Goldfish". The drawing depicts the symbolism of the goldfish, which plays an important role in the folk beliefs of many cultures, including Bulgaria and China. This image connects people, regardless of their ethnicity.