Bulgaria Will Participate in the Animation Film Festival in Slovenia


Bulgaria will present itself at the Animateka International Animation Film Festival in Slovenia, the 18th edition of which will be held in a hybrid format from November 29 to December 5 this year. Among the visiting foreign artists is Radostina Neykova - with the animated film "Marmalade" (2020). Her film work is included in the section "Eastern and Central European Panorama II", in which titles are selected, demonstrating good technical skills and creative potential.

In an innovative way, the film presents the art of hand embroidery and suggests to viewers that "if you want to become a hero, sometimes you just have to fly." The tape aimed at children's audiences was created with the rare technique of the so-called hand embroidered animation.

The Bulgarian and other titles from the panorama will be screened on November 30 this year. at 15.00 in the hall of the Slovenian Cinematheque at 28 Miklosicheva Street in Ljubljana.

The author R. Neykova is an associate professor at the Institute for the Study of Arts at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and a guest lecturer at NATFA “Kr. Sarafov ”. Along with her, the co-writer of the film is Hannah Schwartz, and the music is composed by Petko Manchev. The work produced by Corundum X is financially supported by the National Film Center. So far, "Marmalade" has been shown at over 35 festivals abroad and has won numerous awards.

The full program of the festival and information about the tickets can be found on the website:

The organizers draw attention to the fact that due to the measures against Kovid-19 the screenings will take place at 50% occupancy of the seats in the halls, and spectators corresponding to the so-called PCT condition with the presentation of a valid identity document.

"Animateka" 2021 is organized by the Slovenian Cinematheque and the Association for the Promotion of Animated Cinema "2 Tapes" with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Central European Animation Forum CEE, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ljubljana and others.

Bulgaria was among 52 countries participating in Sunday's 32nd LIFE International Film Festival in Ljubljana (November 10-21). Our country presented itself in the "Focus" section with the film "Brighton, 4th Street", which is a co-production with Georgia, Russia and the United States. The 90-minute title is the winner of the awards for best international feature film, best actor and best screenplay at the festival "Tribeca" `21. 

