The Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" Presented in the Republic of South Africa


The Day of St. Ivan Rilski, patron of the Bulgarian chapel in Midrand and spiritual patron of the Bulgarian people, was celebrated on October 24 at the Bulgarian Club in Midrand, South Africa. The members of the Bulgarian Embassy actively contributed to the preparation of the holiday with the logistical support of the panels of the exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" - a joint project of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Institute of Byzantine and Slavic Studies „Ivan Duychev”.

On the occasion of the holiday, Father Yonko Ivanov consecrated water for health. Ambassador Maria Pavlova congratulated the gathered Bulgarian citizens on the holiday dedicated to "the most Bulgarian of all saints" and heavenly patron of the Bulgarian people. She presented the exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics from Bulgaria and the Balkans", consisting of 24 photos of major monasteries and churches in Bulgaria and the Balkans and the icons and relics stored in them. The rituals and liturgical processions associated with them are an integral part of the Christian traditions of our people, preserved to this day. Stressing the need to know the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage, an element of which are our churches and monasteries, Ambassador Pavlova called on the gathered Bulgarians and their families to get acquainted with the exhibition, which in a special way embodies the spiritual memory of Bulgarians and their attachment to Christian values over the centuries.

During the holiday was marked with enthusiasm the rapid progress of construction of the new church "St. Ivan Rilski” with the financial support of the Bulgarian state and patriotic Bulgarians in South Africa. It is considered that this is the first Bulgarian Orthodox church in Africa, which arouses reasonable pride and strong patriotic feelings in the representatives of the Bulgarian community. The owner of the company - contractor of the construction of the church Mr. Zdravko Kovachev performed the custom "Dacia", known by his ancestors, which is performed in his homeland when the construction reaches the "roof" and to celebrate the master. According to the custom, the white shirt of the master carpenter is symbolically tied to flutter on the roof.

Folklore ensemble "Bulgarian Rose" delighted the audience with Bulgarian folklore dances.

A traditional Bulgarian fair was also organized, within which various works of Bulgarian crafts were offered - the work of representatives of the Bulgarian community from the province of Gauteng.