Photo exhibition


At the beginning of October, a photographic exhibition "The Balkans - the Shared Heritage" visited the New Bulgarian University on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the university.

The exhibition, whose author is the famous Bulgarian photographer Ivo Hadjimishev, is a project from the collection "Traveling Exhibitions" of the State Institute for Culture and is also part of the program "Balkan Dialogues".

The theme of the exhibition is to present in one place the uniqueness and beauty of some of the emblematic cultural monuments of the Balkan countries.

The huge accumulation of rich cultural layers is typical for the Balkan Peninsula. This crossroads, in the geographical, political and cultural sense of the word, has always been attractive to "invaders". Some of them were pushed back or passed away, while others stayed, put down deep roots, created their own states, gave birth to empires, which in turn melted away. But everyone has left their mark, some of which is in the cultural strata on which the now-existing states are located. The borders of the Balkan Peninsula have pulsated like the tides, despite the geopolitical changes of the surface, these priceless cultural monuments of the region, which are selected and presented in this thematic exhibition, together create a positive image of the Balkan countries, through which without inferiority complexes to remind the world of the rich cultural heritage of our lands, which unites us today - at the beginning of the XXI century.