The State Institute for Culture Commences Work on an International Project to Combat Anti-Semitism


The State Institute for Culture is one of the partnerof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a project to develop a National Action Plan against xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Together with the Diplomatic Institute and many partners from institutions, academic, cultural organizations and civic structures, debates and research will be held on the history of the Holocaust and the manifestations of intolerance in today's society.

The project "Strategic Cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in Support of Bulgaria's International Commitments to Combat Anti-Semitism and Preserve the Jewish Heritage" is funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. It will take place over a period of 24 months and will end in the year when Bulgaria will mark the 80th anniversary of the events that led to the unique fact of saving Bulgarian Jews from deportation and destruction.

The project envisages activities such as research and analysis of public attitudes towards intolerance, the creation of a research network on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism, publications and scientific forums, cultural and educational events and more. A wide range of experts on the topics will be involved in the activities.

Highlighting the lessons of the dramatic history of the Holocaust, the project will aim to establish today the values of Bulgarian society for tolerance and respect for everyone.