

Experts from The State Institute for Culture took part in the online conference Future Unlocked!, which took place in a hybrid format in Ljubljana between 12 and 15 September 2021.

The conference Future Unlocked! is a joint event by the European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS21), and the Centre for Creativity Slovenia which is hosted by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) is a yearly conference organised by the European Creative Business Network (ECBN).

As a result of the conference, the following conclusions were made:

1. Culture’s strategic importance in the EU external action and the Member States’ strong support for the joint approach and the framework for action defined in the Joint Communication “Towards an EU strategy for international cultural relations” (2016) and FAC Council Conclusions (2019);

2. Culture’s crucial role for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and the unique value of cultural relations in promoting peace and international stability;

3. The need to step up the implementation of the joint EU approach in international cultural relations, including an ambitious financial and human investment by the Member States and all other actors in joint European projects, stronger collaboration through global EU networks and raising the profile of culture on the EU foreign-policy agenda;