
Peroto Literary Club gathered a very curious audience at the presentation of the new books by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in Namibia Mihail Mihailov. The event took place on September 23 and the new novel "Brown Sugar", "Hunting and Love" and "History of Truth" were presented - all editions of the University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski ”.

The event was part of the program of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs "writing diplomats", which presents writers and poet diplomats, and which "aims to promote literature as an instrument of public and cultural diplomacy, as well as the talent of diplomats, to share their experience in diplomacy - through literature - said as a greeting Mrs. Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova, director of the State Cultural Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

 The author Mihail Mihailov was presented in detail and at a height by Prof. Valeri Stefanov, Executive Director of IM "St. Kliment Ohridski ”. About the book "Hunting and Love", he said: "The most synthetic definition of hunting is - adventure. Adventure unlocks the door to other worlds, emotions, astonishments ... Hunting is an adventure of the senses - encounters with nature, with animals, with the unknown, with chance ... Hunting is an adventure of the spirit - encounters with yourself and others at the crossroads of passion and conscience. Hunting and Love is a book about this adventure. It was written with a lot of love and indisputable talent by Mihail Mihailov. "

Emotional and original speeches were made by Milena Dimitrova, who discovered his work in addition to her professional commitments to the Vice President in her meetings with artists from Bulgarian communities around the world; Assoc. Prof. Georgi Lozanov, who said that "the novel" Brown Sugar "is a book created with the imagination of a child and the sadness of a mature man", Dr. Solomon Passy, ​​Minister of Foreign Affairs in the period 2001-2005, reflecting on Mihailov's personality and books, he also quotes a popular African proverb "We received the land not as an inheritance from our parents, but on loan from our children", which we can count on integrated in the novels; Victor Melamed, Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Thailand, politician Mihail Mikov, Prof. Halachev, Secretary of the Union of Hunters, other friends and supporters also made speeches.


Mihail Mihailov graduated in architecture in 1982 and has lived in Africa since 1985. He was dean of the College of Arts of Namibia. Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Namibia. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers. His first novel, Anicha, is a social fiction that treats the emergence and hypothetical disappearance of money as the main cause of the moral decay of human society. Part of his work is dedicated to hunting and animals. His stories "African Pussies" and "Hunting and Love" are praises of nature, its harmony and its unwritten laws, violated only by man. His short story "Bushmen's Prokoba" describes in perfect detail the origins of the disappearing Bushmen. Because of her imagery and emotionality, literary critics compare her to Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. It has been named "Book of the Year 2010" in Namibia. For her the author was awarded the title "Writer of Africa".