Exhibition of the Bulgarian Sculptor and Artist Boyko Mitkov - Boyo in Bern


On September 1, at the Art Gutenberg Gallery in Bern, Ambassador Radi Naidenov opened an exhibition of the famous Bulgarian sculptor and artist Boyko Mitkov - Boyo.

Boyo graduated from the Academy of Arts in Sofia, taught in Bulgaria and Switzerland, was vice president of the Union of Bulgarian Artists. The sculptor lives and works in Bulgaria, Austria and Switzerland, has participated in symposia and has organized solo and group exhibitions in Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, Japan and others.

Contemporary works of art - paintings, lithographs and small sculptures, presented in Bern, attracted the interest of numerous - for the conditions of restrictive anti-epidemic measures, the public. The author has a decades-old reputation as a talented contemporary European sculptor in Swiss cultural circles. His first exhibition in the Alpine country was in 1993.

The exposition in Bern includes works from the cycles "A Short Land", "Saved Time", "Contemplation", "Night in the City", "The Sentence of Paris", "Sunrise", "Hot News" and others.

In his speech, Ambassador Naidenov emphasized the values ​​and culture that connect us in Europe, the philosophy of life in our ancient and modern country, which are reflected in a synthesized form in the author's art.

In the current globalized and challenging world, which intensifies the trend of dynamism and alienation, the works from the exhibition with their messages presented the Swiss audience present at the opening, with the warmth of human communication, philosophy of life and communication, and the author once again successfully presented our country in the field of contemporary art.