The State Institute for Culture Presents an Online Exhibition of Paintings from the Foreign Missions of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beirut and Damascus


The State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs presents a virtual story about the so-called "saved" paintings from the Bulgarian diplomatic missions in Beirut and Damascus. The works of art are part of the Art Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and are by famous Bulgarian artists such as Georgi Baev, Dimitar Panayotov, Nikolay Evrov and others.

In 2020, after an explosion near the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beirut, where until now the paintings were stored, the paintings were sent urgently from Lebanon to Bulgaria. The State Institute for Culture received the valuable works of art through diplomatic mail and took care of their real "salvation" and, accordingly, their "new" life. After restoration and re-framing, some of the paintings found their new home in our diplomatic missions around the world, as well as in the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.