
The phototype documentary exhibition "Argentina and Bulgaria: 90 Years of Friendship" opened on July 16, 2021. The event is part of a series of initiatives with which Bulgaria and Argentina celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 1931. It is implemented as a partnership project between the Embassy of Argentina in Bulgaria, the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and with the assistance of "America" ​​Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The opening was attended by many guests - diplomats, researchers of Bulgarian-Argentine relations, journalists, university professors and others. Welcoming remarks at the opening of the exhibition were made by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Zaritza Dinkova, who stressed: “The Argentine Republic is the first country in Latin America with which Bulgaria establishes diplomatic relations. We give priority to the political, economic and cultural ties between our two countries. " Bulgarian-Argentinean relations have not only a rich history, but also great potential, including the Bulgarian community in Argentina. Our country is recognizable in Argentina thanks to the large Bulgarian community, which is the living link between our two countries and is a natural bridge for deepening the friendship between our two nations "said Ms. Zaritsa Dinkova.

The traditionally friendly relations between Bulgaria and Argentina are a shared goal of both countries. "This exhibition is part of our common history in the field of diplomacy, but it is also a guide for Argentina and Bulgaria to continue to build on their bilateral relations in the future"  said Alfredo Nestor Atanasoff, Ambassador of Argentina in his exciting speech. The Director of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms. Snezhana Yoveva also welcomed the guests, emphasizing on how important and sustainable over time are the cultural and human ties between the two countries and this is evident from the rich in information and photos exhibition. The exposition is a kind of story, which traces the historical processes and related events from the arrival of thousands of Bulgarians in Argentina in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They testify to events of a political, economic and cultural nature, among other areas. One can see the diplomatic documents underlying the relations, as well as photos of people from each of the two countries and their activities in the other. A special place is given to the national heroes of the two countries - the liberator General Jose de San Martin and the freedom fighter Vasil Levski. The topic of Antarctica, revealing the strong friendly ties between Bulgaria and Argentina, also has its place in the panel.

The exhibition will remain in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until August 31