Presentation of the Photo Exhibition "Gutenberg and the Slavic World" on the Occasion of May 24


The exhibition "Gutenberg and the Slavic World" is a project implemented by the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duychev” to Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Elena and Ivan Duychevi Foundation and the State Institute of Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. It is dedicated to one of the great human discoveries - the invention of printing, more than 565 years ago, and its significance for the Slavic world.
The photo exhibition "Gutenberg and the Slavic World" at the Municipal History Museum in Gotse Delchev opens on May 14 on the occasion of the May Days of Bulgarian Culture, Museum Day, May 18 and May 24 - a holiday of the Bulgarian alphabet, Slavic literature and the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius.
The exhibition was opened in the presence of representatives of the Municipality and clergy from the Nevrokop diocese, teachers and students from high schools in Gotse Delchev and local intellectuals. The opening ceremony included a short lecture on the development of Slavic and in particular Bulgarian printing, with an emphasis on the first Bulgarian printed books, in particular - the anniversaries of the publication of Abagara (1651) and Stematography (1741).
For a month, the exhibition at the Municipal Museum in Gotse Delchev will be of interest not only to the local public but also to the guests of the city. The long-term interest in the photo exhibition "Gutenberg and the Slavic World" and its successful presentation for 7 years, both abroad and in large and small Bulgarian cities, shows its importance and relevance over time. It beautifully illustrates the joint work of the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Ivan Duychev" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”and the State Institute of Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is permanently present in our public life as an institution promoting the achievements of Bulgarian culture around the world.