
Works by two contemporary Bulgarian photographers - Ivo Malinov and Nikola Bumbalov Nedic are already part of the Art Fund of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and are currently on display at the Bulgarian Consulate General in Frankfurt. The total number of photographs is 10 and they are an integral part of the modern interior of the new building of our Consulate.

Ivo Malinov's biography is very rich. He has been a journalist and producer, with experience in both radio and television. He has written film scripts in English. He is the author of political thrillers and has been working in the field of strategic marketing and business development for more than 20 years. He uses the technique of composite photography - a new, digital hybrid between photography, graphic design and painting. The composite is an alloy created from the original photo image, "painted" with the imagination and the message of the author.

About his works, the photographer shares: "Composite photography is something like Impressionism at a time when the Impressionists decided to look at the world around them through a filter. Composite photography gives exactly this opportunity - to look through a filter, through a new, strong individual thinking and recreating what you see with your eyes. Because what your eyes see may not be the most important thing. The most important thing is how your senses feel.

The Yambol photographer and artist by education, Nikola Bumbalov Nedic, is one of the first winners of the Stilb Experimental Photography Award, established in the city of Bulgarian modernists in Yambol in the 1980s.

Assoc. Prof. Lozanov writes about his work: “The confession of lack of style is, in fact, a request for experimenting with different styles and techniques, but more than that - he selflessly throws himself into experiments with all genres, approaches and rhetoric in photographic art. I say "experiments" because the picture that his works build, arranged side by side, is a sample of the time when experimental photography and art photography coincided. And a reminder that it may not be completely gone.