The State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Sofia University will Cooperate in the Field of Popularization of our Cultural and Historical Heritage



On November 19, 2020, a cooperation agreement was concluded between Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” through the National Scientific Program“ Cultural and Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development ”and the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The main purpose of the agreement is to establish cooperation between the two institutions in the preparation and implementation of nationally and internationally significant cultural and educational initiatives.

The organizations agree to partner in organizing and conducting various events and campaigns to promote our cultural and historical heritage around the world, to present specific research products such as films, books, exhibitions and others through the Bulgarian diplomatic missions.

During the official signing of the agreement, Prof. Anna-Maria Totomanova, coordinator of the National Scientific Program "Cultural and Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development", donated the latest and most recent publications realized as a result of research activities under the program. Among the publications are: "Dictionary of the Language of Patriarch Euthymius", Volume II "Patriarch Philoteus (Kokin). Speech on the Sunday of All Saints ", the Collection "The Roads of the Balkan Painters" and "The Book of Gregory Tsamblak".  The director of the State Institute for Culture Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova gratefully accepted the donated publications and undertook to reach Bulgarian centers in European countries through Bulgarian missions.

Professor Totomanova expressed her gratitude for the helping hand and stated that at the moment it is extremely important for the Bulgarian culture and the memory of the achievements of the Bulgarian statehood over the centuries for the preservation and dissemination of Cyril and Methodius' work to be promoted in accessible ways to the world and the agreement is a very good first step to that. During the official ceremony, some of the first joint activities between the partners are to be confirmed. The event took place at the Mission Gallery, where the exhibition of the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is located - 170 years since the birth of the Patriarch of Bulgarian Literature Ivan Vazov.