
The State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Berlin and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin present the exhibition "Bulgarian Artists of the 20th Century - Selected Works from the Collection of the Bulgarian Embassy in Berlin"

Opening: 30.09.2020, from 11 am to 9 pm, Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin
Duration of the exhibition: 30.09.2020 - 27.10.2020
Curator: Iskra Trayanova

Presentation of the catalog "Konstantin Shtarkelov. The Lonely Wanderer - 130 Years Since the Birth of the Artist ": 30.09.2020, from 19:00.

The display for the first time of 22 specially selected works by Bulgarian artists from the collection of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Berlin is part of an initiative of the the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs to display works from the rich art fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which consists of three thousand works of famous Bulgarian classics and contemporary authors, outside the diplomatic missions around the world and in front of a wider audience.

This exhibition offers an opportunity to encounter significant works of Bulgarian painting from the turbulent changes of the 60s, the associative language of the 70s and the rethinking of plasticity in the 80s of the twentieth century. The exhibition unfolds an impressive series of emblematic paintings by a number of prominent artists such as Svetlin Rusev, Naiden Petkov, Ioan Leviev, Emil Stoychev, Yordan Katsamunski, Hristo Todorov, Mitko Panayotov, Georgi Baev, Vladimir Goev, Encho Pirondi, Daria Vasilyan. Tsvyatko Dochev and the doyen Kalina Taseva, who leave a bright trace in contemporary Bulgarian art. Predominantly landscapes, portraits, still lives and figural compositions, executed with classical painting techniques and transformed emphatically individually, with unadulterated artistry.

Undoubtedly, the collection of paintings of the diplomatic mission in Berlin has an extremely high artistic value. It reflects important trends and directions in which the Bulgarian painting of the XX century has developed, possessing iconic works of some of the most prominent Bulgarian artists, who left a lasting mark in the Bulgarian fine arts and in the cultural tradition of Europe.

The highlight of the exhibition are the two virtuoso watercolors by Konstantin Shtarkelov, which will be shown for only one day during the official opening of the exhibition, on the occasion of the presentation of the catalog "Konstantin Shtarkelov. The Lonely Wanderer - 130 Years Since the Birth of the Artist” by the Director of the Sofia City Art Gallery, Mrs. Adelina Fileva and Mrs. Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova, Director of the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.