The cultural program of the German presidency continues with the project "European cuisine"


The "European Cuisine" project was launched on 15 August 2020 in Copenhagen. As part of the cultural program of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Goethe-Institut project demonstrates the diversity of Europe. Eleven artists from all over Europe will organize meetings in private and public kitchens in eleven European cities. The idea of ​​the project is to show what happens to our ideas about Europe, the European community and participation in the EU when we discuss them at the kitchen table with people from different backgrounds. Citizens from all over Europe can take part, and the first "European Cuisine" in Copenhagen is organized by the Portuguese artist Partícia Portela.
In the "European Cuisine" project, the kitchen becomes a metaphor and a platform for cultural and pan-European dialogue across borders. Eleven artists with different profiles, who live and work in Europe, organize an event in a city other than their hometown, which is based on the idea of ​​a conversation in the kitchen. All evenings promise interesting discussions on current topics related to Europe. Key questions such as what Europe is, who is welcome, who is not and under what circumstances will be discussed in artistic formats such as readings, concerts, performances or simply as a discussion.
The project also features Croatian author Ivana Sajko, German artist Mischa Leinkauf, Czech conceptual artist Kateřina Šedá, Italian artist Marinella Senatore, Danish video artist Jeannette Ehlers and Berlin-based British author Priya Basil, who is also curating the project. From 18 to 20 September, in her European Cuisine in Wrocław, Poland, Priya Basil will be looking for an answer to the question "What does Europe taste like for the people of Poland and the Polish communities in Europe?" The evenings will be organized in compliance with the hygienic measures related to the coronavirus.
Meetings and discussions in different cities will be possible to experience in the digital space. In addition to local Open Calls and online offerings, all European kitchen gatherings will be combined in a series of short videos and comments by three bloggers - London-based writer and application artist Mohammed Z. Rahman, Berlin-based literary and law student Marie Detjen and Dutch-Hungarian blogger Mandula van den Berg, who lives in Berlin.
Individual artists will return to Munich for the final of "European cuisine" and share their experiences (expected date: December 5).

Dates and places where the European cuisine will take place:
August 15: Copenhagen, Denmark - Patrícia Portela (Portugal)
September (tbc): Vienna, Austria - Jasmina Metwaly (Poland)
September 18 - 20: Wroclaw, Poland - Priya Basil (Germany / Great Britain)
September 25-27: Tallinn, Estonia - Kateřina Šedá (Czech Republic)
October 5 - 11: Chania, Greece - Mischa Leinkauf (Germany)
October 16-18: Glasgow and Huntley, Scotland - Jeannette Ehlers (Denmark)
October 24/25: Palermo, Italy - Géraldine Schwarz (Germany / France)
November (tbc): Ljubljana, Slovenia - Marinella Senatore (Italy)
November 14/15: Marseille, France - Ivana Sajko (Croatia)
November 21/22: Madrid, Spain - Arpad Dobriban (Hungary)
December 4: Munich, Germany - Johny Pitts (UK)

Keywords EU projects