
The State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in partnership with the Amateras Foundation, organizes an art workshop entitled "Breathing Paper" as part of the tenth anniversary edition of the Sofia Paper Art Festival 2020. On Wednesday, July 22 , from 10 a.m. the children from Niya Learning Center and the team from the State Institute for Culture and Amateras Foundation will introduce the curious young artists to the magic of paper, as the location was chosen not by chance, in the open in the renovated and refreshed park space in front of the Mission Gallery to the State Institute for Culture. All distance and safety measures will be observed and appropriate materials will be provided for the artists.

The world of paper art is multi-layered, with a lot of symbolism and significance over time. That is why the team at the State Institute for Culture, in partnership with the Amateras Foundation, initiated this first joint event in which graduates from Niya Learning Center will create with paper. The project aims to introduce children to contemporary art, because it provokes young people to think outside the box and develop their creativity, get acquainted with traditions and crafts related to the "soul of paper" and how it "breathes". In this way a place is opened for the deepening of the dialogue about the various means of expression in contemporary art and in general about the freedom in art.

In the coming months, more similar joint creative workshops are planned to introduce young curious artists to the magic of paper.