15 years State Institute for Culture


On June 6, 2005 the Council of Ministers adopted a Decree on the establishment of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. Only a few days earlier, the Sculpture Park was officially opened in the yard of the Ministry. The main task of the Institute is the development and preservation of the collection of works of art, which the diplomatic service has concerved for decades. In achieving this mission, the Institute soon realized the importance of establishing partnerships and trust with artists, galleries, museums and academic organizations.

Building trust is the main goal of any diplomacy, so the activities of the Institute are directed in this direction: to provide additional tools to Bulgarian diplomacy and increase the visibility of the country and its foreign policy priorities through storytelling and presentation of its living culture, traditions, historical experience and values.

There have been many successful projects during this decade and a half - and all of them would have been impossible without the support of our partners - Bulgarian and foreign. To them we express our deepest gratitude!

In the short videos we present congratulations for the 15-year anniversary of the State Cultural Institute.