"Buy 1 Book" National Campaign


The initiative aims to unite people in supporting the book 

Publishers, authors, artists, designers and foreigners, translators, editors, proofreaders, printers, traders and agents have united in a common cause - to help the book today to have it in the future. Nearly 100 publishers and bookstores stood behind the "Buy 1 Book" campaign.

The initiative entitled "To have the book" started on Children's Book Day with a call to readers across the country to help save the book and ensure its existence.

The big family of the book appeals to anyone who in these uncertain times can set aside funds to buy a book or have the opportunity to donate books to a cause. The initiators call on the society to unite its efforts in a single goal and direction - to help the book today so that it will be available tomorrow.

"The book is what remains behind us. The book is a source of knowledge, fun and ideas. The book is our life and our meaning. Today, the world of books faces a real challenge. And the salvation of this world is in our hands. Only together can we help the book today to have it in the future! ”Reads the appeal of the campaign organizers. According to them, it is the small efforts of each of us that can help save the book as a value and guarantee its future.

Those wishing to support the campaign can do so by going to the specially created website of the initiative: From there, they have the opportunity to go to the e-shop of their preferred publisher or bookstore and buy a book of their choice.