Bulgaria - special guest at the International Cinema Festival MUCES 2017, Segovia

Bulgaria was a special guest at the 12th European Cinema Festival MUCES 2017 held in Segovia in Spain from November 15 to 21 2017.
The festival is organised by the municipality and is not of a competitive nature, but is aimed at presenting the achievements of the new European cinema.
The vocal trio "Triada" took part in the opening programme of the festival, presenting Bulgarian folk song in a capela form. The trio - Valia Petrova, Boryanka Dimitrova and Elena Alexieva - was formed in Madrid in 2005.
After opening speeches by the Spanish hosts - Segovia Mayor Clara Luquero, and festival director Eliseo de Pablos - Ambassador Ivan Kondov said that Bulgaria was proud and honoured to take part in the most significant events of the cultural Segovia's life, a city of ancient traditions and history, part of the UNESCO World Heritage.
"It is a way for us to contribute to the mutual rapprochement and understanding of our peoples," Ambassador Kondov said. He expressed thanks for the opportunity for Bulgaria to present its cinematography, winning more and more prestigious awards on the international stage and deservingly attracting the attention of the Spanish public.
Ambassador Kondov, together with the mayor of Segovia, opened the exhibition "Authors and Posters", dedicated to the 100-year history of Bulgarian cinema and provided by the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two agreed that the 50 films are an invaluable chronicle of the development of Bulgarian cinema.
The exhibition is on until December 10. The program of the Bulgarian Panorama includes 14 feature and documentary films as well as a selection of short animated films. Some of the titles are provided in co-operation with the State Institute for Culture.