Bulgarian participation in European Film Week 2017 in Iran

Two editions of European Film Week 2017 were held in the Islamic Republic of Iran in November.
The first was in the capital Tehran from October 31 to November 4 and the second in Tabriz from November 20 to 24 2017. The events were organized by the cluster of the network of European cultural institutes and EUNIC services in Iran, of which the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tehran is also a member.
The Bulgarian film "Getting Fat in a Healthy Way" by director Kevork Aslanjan was presented on November 20 in Tabriz. The event was attended by representatives of the embassies of the EU countries as well as the local authorities - the Deputy Mayor of Tabriz and the representative of the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Orientation in the city.
The European Film Week 2017 programme included full-length and short feature and cartoons from eight European countries - Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland and Hungary.