Presentation of the State Institute for Culture's Sboryanovo exhibition in Athens

The exhibition "Sboryanovo - Nature and Monuments, Gods and Men" was opened at the Melina Cultural Centre in Athens on September 19. The exhibition was prepared by Professor Dr Diana Gergova and the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Athens in co-operation with the Athens Municipality's Culture, Sport and Youth Organisation.
The exhibition aims at presenting to the international community one of the most interesting archaeological reserves of Bulgaria, where among the impressive natural environment are archeological monuments of exceptional importance, for instance Sveshtari Tomb, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
"Sboryanovo" offers interesting data about cultural layers from prehistory to modern times, which are evidence of the preservation of ancient Indo-European traditions. Important information about the early Bulgarian culture are also found here. The exhibition includes photos, graphics and maps, and is an outstanding example of tolerance between different ethnicities and religions in contemporary Bulgaria.
Immediately before the presentation of the exhibition in Athens, it was expanded with additional panels revealing the latest discoveries by archaeologists in the national archaeological reserve near the town of Isperih.
On September 20, at the Embassy Hall in Athens, Prof. Diana Gergova presented to Greek historians and archaeologists, members of the Bulgarian community, a lecture on "Sborinjovo, the Thracians and the Discoveries of Thracian Archeology in Bulgaria".