Presentation of the exhibition 'The Power of Civil Society' in Helsinki

The exhibition "The Power of Civil Society: The Fate of Jews in Bulgaria, 1940 - 1944" was opened at the House of the Jewish Community in Helsinki on March 9, on the eve of the Day of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews. The event was organised by the Bulgarian Embassy with the assistance of the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his welcoming speech at the ceremony, Ambassador Martin Ivanov emphasised that the act of rescuing nearly 50 000 Bulgarian Jews during the Second World War was the work of the Bulgarian civil society, which stood up to protect its neighbours, classmates and friends . The President of the Jewish Community, Mr. Yaron Nadabnik, expressed the appreciation of all Jews for this humane act and for the courage of Bulgarian society.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, ambassadors, representatives of various institutions, members of the Bulgarian and Jewish communities in Helsinki, and the Finland - Bulgaria Friendship Society.