Meeting of the Board of the Directors of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)

At the beginning of December 2016, the 35th ASEF Board of Directors meeting took place in Singapore, where State Institute for Culture Director Ms. Lyudmila Dimitrova participated as the representative of Bulgaria on the Board.

ASEF is an organisation that includes representatives of 51 countries from the European and Asian region and which works actively to organize events and create a common space of understanding and mutual knowledge.

ACEF's forums on culture, education, sustainable development and social initiatives are an opportunity for a direct meeting of experts from government agencies and non-governmental organizations from Europe and Asia.

This process has a strong impact on the development of intercultural dialogue and directly engages culture as an instrument for expanding international ties and opportunities to find common solutions to the challenges of global sustainable development.

Over the past two years, Bulgaria has hosted several events that contributed to the development and implementation of ASEF goals in the area of education, "Coding for education" of November 2015.

In December, in the framework of the 5th Informal Seminar on the Sustainable Development of Danube-Mekong in Rousse, the State Institute for Culture presented the photo exhibition "On the Go", which has captured moments of the lives of people on both continents.

Pictured: The ASEF Board of Directors at the Singapore Summit, December 2016