Photo exhibition 'On the Go' to open in Rousse

The State Institute for Culture is to hold the first showing in Bulgaria of the exhibition "On the Go",  project by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), in Rousse on December 1 2016.

So far, the exhibition has been presented in 12 countries in Europe and Asia, and in the Kanev Centre of the University of Rousse, will accompany the 5th Informal Seminar on Sustainable Development "Dunav-Mekong".

The exhibition includes 22 photographs from a competition for professional and non-professional photographers held last year. It is part of the programme marking the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the ASEM.

The presentation of the photo exhibition confirms Bulgaria as an active participant in the projects of ASEM and ASEF and contributes to the expansion and promotion of the relationship between Europe and Asia.