Exhibition 'St. Kliment Ohridski - Student and Teacher' in Belgrade

The exhibition "1100 Years Since the Assumption of Saint Kliment Ohridski - Student and Teacher" was opened at the Knyaginya Lyubica House Museum in Belgrade on November 22 2016 by the Republic of Bulgaria's Ambassador to Serbia Radko Vlaykov and the project's academic advisor, Professor Aksinia Djurova.

The exhibition was established at the initiative of the State Institute for Culture with the assistance of the Professor Ivan Dujčev Centre for Slavonic-Byzantine Studies at Sofia University Saint Kliment Ohridski.

In 2016, the project has a leading place in the State Institute for Culture's "Travelling Exhibitions" programme.

After its successful showings in Bulgaria and Italy, the opening in Serbia confirmed the growing interest in the theme of the life and work of St. Kliment Ohridski, the modern following of the saint and his image in the unification of the Christian peoples in the Balkans.

For the opening of the exhibition in Serbia, the State Institute for Culture prepared a special copy of the exhibition intended for the Serbian audience and in keeping with the specifics of the exhibition space of the Knyaginya Ljubica House Museum, part of the Belgrade Museum Complex.

The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria assisted in implementing the new edition of the exhibition, providing translation into the Serbian language and supporting the organization of the event in the house museum.

On behalf of the hosts, Asja Draca Muntean - Assistant Minister of Culture and Information, Ivona Jetičić - Secretary of Culture at the Belgrade Town Hall, and Tatyana Korichanac, Director of the Belgrade City Museum, gave addresses. The event was honored by the presence of representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, the Serbian Patriarchate, the academic community and the media.

At the opening, the author of the exhibition Professor Vasia Velinova - Director of the Professor Ivan Dujčev Center for Slavonic-Byzantine Studies delivered a lecture on" The Life and Creativity of Saint Kliment Ohridski ".

The exhibition will be open for visitors to the Knyaginya Ljubica House Museum in Belgrade until December 2 2016, after which it will be presented in a number of cities in Serbia.