Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria participating in upcoming cultural events in Zagreb

A three-day film festival opens in Zagreb on November 23, on the theme "Co-operation of SEECP states in the context of the refugee crisis". Bulgarian, Croatian and Slovenian films on the topic are included: "The Judgment" by Stefan Komandarev, "The Melon Route" (Croatia) and "Spare Parts" (Slovenia).

The festival is part of the cultural programme of the presidency of the Southeast European Cooperation Process organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Zagreb as part of the SEECP Troika during the Croatian Presidency.

During the event, there will be the opening of an exhibition of work by Bulgarian photographer Stoyan Nenov "1/320 of a Second", which includes the photograph that won him a Pulitzer Prize for photojournalism. There will also be a presentation of work by Croatian photographer Hrvoje Polan, on the same theme.

The next upcoming event is the organization of a round table discussion, on the main challenges and problems in the region's efforts to co-operate in the regulation of refugee flows, with the makers of the Croatian and Slovenian films, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic corps accredited in Zagreb, with journalists from Croatian National Television as moderators.