OPEN CAll for visual artists to participate at the 22th International Biennial of Humour and Satire - Gabrovo, 2015


22th International Biennial of Humour and Satire will happen from 16 May to 30 September 2015. Artists from all over the world will present their works produced by means of comic expression at the Museum "House of Humour and Satire" in Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

Announced is an Open call for artists who wish to offer their work for inclusion in the competition.

! Deadline for submitting entries is 1 March 2015.

-- Categories of the competition program:

• cartoons

• graphics and drawings

• painting

• sculpture

• photography

• poster

-- No entry fee for participation in the Biennale

-- The theme for all sections is free of choice, however, interpreted by the means of the comic. Special theme for the Cartoons category is ‘The Protester’ (in family, university, society, etc.).

Some of the awards provided by the organizers, will excel works of socially significant topics such as the fight against smoking, alcohol abuse and the protection of nature.

The full terms and submission form for the 22th International Biennial of Humour and Satire (in Bulgarian, English, Russian, German and French) can be found on web-page of the Museum "House of Humour and Satire".