The State Institute for Culture – Partner of the European Film Festival "Europe - Always Young and Creative"

The State Institute for Culture – Partner of the European Film Festival "Europe - Always Young and Creative"

In the period from June 5 to 26, 2024, in Sofia, Borisova Garden Park, summer scene, the Festival of European films "Europe - Always Young and Creative" will be held. The event, organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the largest enlargement in the history of the European Union, will present the film achievements of young European directors from different EU countries, highlighting the cultural richness and creative diversity of the European Community. Entrance to the event is...

On the Occasion of May 24, the Mobile Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" Visited the city of Brest, Belarus

On the Occasion of May 24, the Mobile Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" Visited the city of Brest, Belarus

On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture and Slavic Writing, on May 23, 2024, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Belarus organized in the city of Brest (350,000 inhabitants) a presentation of the mobile exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans", kindly provided by the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as photographs with beautiful views from Bulgaria. The exhibition was...

The Exhibition "Alphabet and History" is Visiting Valencia on the Occasion of the May 24 holiday

The Exhibition "Alphabet and History" is Visiting Valencia on the Occasion of the May 24 holiday

On May 24, 2024, at the "Bancaja" cultural center in the city of Valencia, the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Valencia celebrated the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Education and Culture and Slavic Literature with a thematic lecture and exhibition. The event was attended by the Consul and Vice-Consul of Italy and the Consul of Morocco, representatives of academic circles, chairmen of Bulgarian associations abroad and leaders and teachers of Bulgarian Sunday schools in the...

The Exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" was Presented on the 13. Contemporary Mosaic Festival in Nazano, Italy

The Exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" was Presented on the 13. Contemporary Mosaic Festival in Nazano, Italy

The latest exhibition from the "Traveling Exhibitions" program of the State Institute for Culture - "Bulgaria and Mosaics" was presented on 13. Contemporary Mosaic Festival, which took place between May 20-26 in the city of Nazano, Italy. The participation was organized by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome with the assistance of the State Institute for Culture. The exhibition was realized by the Balkan Heritage Foundation for the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign...

The Exhibition "Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster" Celebrates Spiritual Growth through the Power of Words

The Exhibition "Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster" Celebrates Spiritual Growth through the Power of Words

On May 27, the exhibition "Words - windows / Wörter als Fenster" by the German artist Wolfgang Nieblich and the Bulgarian-German artist Antonia Duende was opened in the "Mission" gallery. The event is organized by the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs in partnership with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany on the occasion of the holiday of Bulgarian education and culture and Slavic writing - May 24. The opening of the exhibition took place with...

Participation of the State Institute for Culture in the 9th General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

Participation of the State Institute for Culture in the 9th General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

On May 22, the 9th General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network - GPDNet was held in Doha, the State of Qatar, in which a team from the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs took part - director Snezhana Yoveva - Dimitrova and senior specialist Nia Tabakova. Within the framework of the rich program, the organizers presented new ideas and projects for collaboration between the member states of GPDnet, outlined the future platform of the network for the...

Premiere of Kevin Ireland's book "Backwards to Forwards: A Memoir" on May 31 at the Mission Gallery

Premiere of Kevin Ireland's book "Backwards to Forwards: A Memoir" on May 31 at the Mission Gallery

The book ,,Backwards to Forwards: A Memoir" by the New Zealand poet Kevin Ireland (1933-2023) is published for the first time in Bulgarian. It is a publication of the ,,Europe and the World" Foundation. In his memoirs, Kevin Ireland, who has translated the poems of Hristo Botev, Elisaveta Bagryana and other great Bulgarian poets, describes mainly his stay in Bulgaria during the period 1959-1961, as well as his shorter visit in the summer of 1969. The New Zealand literary writer tells with many...

Exhibition “Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster” by Wolfgang Nieblich and Antonia Duende

Exhibition “Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster” by Wolfgang Nieblich and Antonia Duende

The exhibition "Words - Windows / Wörter als Fenster" by the German artist Wolfgang Nieblich and the Bulgarian-German artist Antonia Duende at the Mission gallery is dedicated to the holiday of Bulgarian education and culture and Slavic writing - May 24. It is organized by the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria in partnership with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and can be visited between May 27 and June 14, 2024. The...

The exhibition "Miraclous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" visits Warsaw within the framework of Europe Week

The exhibition "Miraclous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" visits Warsaw within the framework of Europe Week

In the month of May, the State Cultural Institute presents its mobile expositions in Warsaw within the framework of various international events and spaces at the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Cultural Institute in the Polish capital. On May 13, 2024, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria Margarita Ganeva and the Director of the State Cultural Institute Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova opened the phototype exhibition "Miracle Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans",...

On the Occasion of May 24, the Mobile Exhibition "Stories from Glagolitic Times" is Visiting Bratislava

On the Occasion of May 24, the Mobile Exhibition "Stories from Glagolitic Times" is Visiting Bratislava

One of the newest mobile expositions of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs "Stories from Glagolitic Times" will visit Bratislava on the occasion of the holiday of Bulgarian education and culture and of Slavic writing - May 24. The exhibition will be included in the international interdisciplinary conference "Linguistic and Cultural Contexts of the Christian Tradition: Slavic-European Connections and Parallels", organized by the Comenius University, the Slovak...

The Unique Crimean Tatar Cultural Heritage is Revealed in the Newly Opened Exhibition "Qalqan/Shield" in the "Mission" Gallery

The Unique Crimean Tatar Cultural Heritage is Revealed in the Newly Opened Exhibition "Qalqan/Shield" in the "Mission" Gallery

On May 8, the exhibition "Qalqan/Shield" opened in the "Mission" gallery at the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, which attracted the attention of the general public. The event was held in the presence of high-ranking guests - the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Maria Angelieva, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Olesya Ilashchuk, the artist...

The "Writing Diplomats" Program Continues with the Presentation of Svetlazara Kabakchieva's Book - "Heart-Shaped Stones"

The "Writing Diplomats" Program Continues with the Presentation of Svetlazara Kabakchieva's Book - "Heart-Shaped Stones"

On May 14, at 6 p.m., Svetlozara Kabakchieva's first book "Heart-Shaped Stones" will be presented in the "Mission" gallery, as part of the traditional programme of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs "Writing Diplomats". The aim of the program is to promote new publications and books by current or former diplomats, as literature is an important tool for cultural diplomacy, getting to know and bringing communities together. The collection of fairy tales is the...

The Exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" is Presented in the City of Stavanger

The Exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" is Presented in the City of Stavanger

The Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage of mosaics was presented in the city of Stavanger with the exhibition "Bulgaria and Mosaics" of the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, organized by the Bulgarian Embassy in the Kingdom of Norway and shown for the first time abroad. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Kingdom of Norway, Mrs. Desislava Ivanova, opened the exhibition at a...

Opening of the exhibition "Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe" on the occasion of May 24 in the Korean province of Gyeongsangbuk

Opening of the exhibition "Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe" on the occasion of May 24 in the Korean province of Gyeongsangbuk

On April 24, 2024, Ambassador Petar Kraychev and the Deputy Head of the Embassy-Seoul, Mr. Tsvetomir Krumov, visited the Central Library of the Korean city of Gyeongbuk, Gyeongsangbuk Province. This year, the library, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Korea, is hosting the exhibition "Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe", which opens on the eve of May 24 - Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet , education and...

Exhibition of Crimean Tatar ceramics "Qalqan/Shield"

Exhibition of Crimean Tatar ceramics "Qalqan/Shield"

On May 8, at 6:00 p.m. at the Mission Gallery at the state Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria an exhibition by the most famous Crimean-Tatar potter, honored master of folk art of Ukraine Rustem Skybin, titled "Qalqan/Shield”, will be opened. The project will consist of two parts: an exhibition of ceramic panels and a series of informational posters "Crimea and the Crimean Tatars". In twelve ceramic panels are used samples of authentic...

The Exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" was Presented at the Francophonie Week in Ghana

The Exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" was Presented at the Francophonie Week in Ghana

The period 16-21 April 2024 saw the main events of the program of the Week of Francophonie in Ghana. Bulgaria was represented by the Honorary Consul in Accra Nicolas van Staalduynen. With his assistance, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Abuja organized the presentation of the exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO", provided by the State Institute for Culture in French and English, in the Central Capital Park of Accra on April 20, 2024. This is the first...